Monday 23 May 2011

You say what?

People who know me can assure you that I absolutely LOVE food! It’s in my blood! My dad’s family are very good cooks and I enjoy pretty much everything. In summary, I’d never said no if I get offered it. 

Now, I’ve always heard that pregnant women can’t have certain types of food. That was okay I thought; because I am not pregnant yet so I’ll be fine...

To my surprise, after reading the information the Dr gave me, it says that you should avoid some types of food even when you are trying to conceive! Gutted! How am I going to survive? It’s difficult to put myself in that frame of mind yet. Did any of you find it hard?

Went out for dinner the other night and really wanted a Goat’s cheese salad but couldn’t have it because of these rules... 

I feel guilty now if I do have them because I am thinking about the future and the consequences of my actions. 

I never thought this would happen to me... 

As soon as I have a baby, I am going to food binge! ;)

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  1. Hi hun, im no expert and im no way a doctor but in my humble opinion....i believe a happy mum-to-be = HAPPY BABY.
    Some "food for thought" for you is, that i know lots of people who were trying for a baby and avoided the foods etc and kept to the "rules" and nothing happened. The moment they stopped then the miracle of life happened :O) i believe making a baby is about being happy, relaxed and celebrating your love for your partner. Too much thought and rules get in the way! I ate what i wanted and even had the odd wine when we were trying and was lucky to be blessed right away ( as in, we tried and then i missed a period and was pregnant!)
    Everyone is different, if eating goats cheese will fill you with guilt then its not worth the extra stress!! but enjoy it what YOU think is best for YOU.....because the quicker you do that and learn to listen your inner voice the easier you'll find being a mum!! after all.....mum knows best! :O) xxxx
    (its Kie by the way! couldnt post it unless i choose Anonymous!?? lol)

  2. Hi Kie,

    You are absolutely right. When I was in South America, I've never heard of so many rules before! Women over there are more precautions in the sense that they try not to do so much physically but foodwise, they stay the same.
    I think there is far too much information available nowadays and it's difficult not to get influenced by all of this. Sometimes, ignorance is a blessing but I guess I am a curious girl and always want to know things. ;)x
