Tuesday 19 July 2011

Hope is in the air

Last Saturday, I was minding my own business in the loo when I noticed some light bleeding/spotting. I thought that is a bit weird because my period is not due until the coming Thursday. Anyway, I carried on as normal assuming that another month is passing by again with no good news about pregnancy.

 The next day (Sunday), the bleeding actually stopped completely. It went from pink to brown, sorry to be too graphic but you are a woman, you know what I mean. Now, if you tried to conceive before, you must have heard or read about implantation bleeding. 

 Anyway, that night I went online on my Blackberry to find out what it was. The website I looked at that night was http://www.babyhopes.com/articles/implantation-bleeding.html. It explains here that implantation bleeding happens at the time the fertilized egg implants in the uterus and usually occurs a week before your period or 6-12 days after ovulation. That certainly gave me a bit of hope so I went to bed with a smile after telling my partner.

The next day in the shop I had enough time to investigate even more. When you type in Google ‘Implantation bleeding’, the first website which comes up is http://www.babymed.com/implantation-bleeding-and-spotting-and-symptoms. This site contains much more information which was really useful to know.

I was curious to find out when I can take a pregnancy test again and luckily, it says here that the urine pregnancy test usually becomes positive 4-5 days after implantation. Just to be safe, I will take it in the weekend only if my period doesn’t start on Thursday. Today is Tuesday and no sign of my period so I decided to post this. I can’t keep it all to myself!

Luckily, my friend gave me 2 pregnancy tests which she didn’t need any more as she is now pregnant. Hope the baby dust comes my way! I’ll keep you posted. Wish me luck.     

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  1. omg.....feel your excitement hun!!! sending baby dust your way kie x x x

  2. Thank you, Kie! I'll let you know in the weekend. :D x

  3. Hi there Koolmami!

    If you experience this again, and would like more information on the phenomenon, you might find this article very informative:


    Good luck!

  4. Thank you for the link. Let's hope that I will be in the same situation again soon. :) x
